THEATRE ARCHITECTURE competition Applications open on december 19th 2024.
Find the Theatre Architecture Competition Submission information in your preferred language on the links below.
Find the Bait Obaid Al Shamsi pack of files, including drawings, .pdfs and photographs on the button below.
The Theatre Architecture Competition (TAC) is an international competition organized by the OISTAT Architecture Commission (AC). It has taken place every four years since 1978 with the objective to encourage new ideas about theatre architecture and interdisciplinary cooperation. Collaborations between architects and other theatre practitioners such as directors, designers, technicians, actors, dancers, musicians, or students of those fields, are encouraged in the Theatre Architecture Competition.
The Courtyard of Bait Obaid Al Shamsi is the location for the 2025 Theatre Architecture Competition. Built in 1457 and home to a merchant, the site is very much in the Heart of Sharjah.